Sunday, August 30, 2009

Important Life Skill Number 274? Check.

Today, I rode a bike. By my self. For the first time ever. And mostly didn't fall. Someone should write a song. And do a dance. Tra-la-la!

Many thanks to the weather for being so beautiful and cool, the Beverly Airport for a nearly-empty parking lot, the Bicycle Gang (Nick, Mat, Kirk, Dawn, Sarah, Christy, Bekah) for their encouragement and good company, Nick and Mat for transporting me there and back again monkey-style, Kirk for helping steady the bike so I wouldn't fall and die before my time, and Brad for the generous although unwitting provision of a bike small enough for me. And, of course, my utter gratitude to the entire Beans Community for the tremendous atmosphere and conversations and food and all kinds of other things that they have grown and and sustained thus far and which have enabled me to dance, climb mountains, and stand on my head. Without all of you, this milestone in my life would remain sadly unpassed.

Next stop: Important Life Skill Number 293: Swimming.

Monday, August 3, 2009

[It has been suggested that we are all morphing into one communal personality...scary]

Bekah says, "Yo" now. And Grimes says, "I want Dunkin'Donas (in a thick Latino accent)" I say, "Yess...Pleassee..." in a very Bekah-esk way, and continue to expand my repertoire of accents and versatile mannerisms the more I live here.

It's what happens when people live together. No matter how different you are, you pick up each other's mannerisms, facial expressions and internalize peices of their personalities--so that when you bump into a friend of a friend's on Cabot St. they say, "that sounded just like Mat Schetne" or "you're starting to talk like Nick Hanlon."

It's what happens when you mock one another so much that you adopt that very thing that used to amuse you about him, about her--so that what used to be David mocking me has now turned into his own urban twang: "Gurlchild, please." "Oh no you didn't."

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hello from the Beverly Hurricane.

it is real windy out there, ladies. watch out, Marylin Monroe.

I kind of want to watch a movie. Maybe I will, after I get a load of towels in the wash and set some bread for the rising..
I've been wanting to watch Rushmore. Darjeeling is probably on my top favorite 5 movies, so I'm interested in seeing more from Wes Anderson. (Royal Tenenbaums was pretty good as well)

So, I'm the only one home at the moment, if you don't include the ghost. The other day I cam home to an *empty?* house with my madre, wanting to introduce her to everyone... and we heard someone on the first floor (the sink was turning on an off, along with other telltale people sounds), but I decided to show her the second and third floor first and then to go down to see who else was home. On the third floor, I could SWEAR someone was in the bathroom: the sink went on. I called out "hello?" like a complete cliche, and no answer. We went down to the first floor: no one was there. Completely empty house.

Then Brad showed up, so he met my mom.

I shall see if I can become acquainted with this ghost further today, seeing as though I'm the only one here.

little creeped out.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Food, hookah, and merriment all around

On an eve not too long ago, a group of young people who all happen to live together decided to take advantage of the warm weather and the warm company.  The evening progressed with a great amount of merriment, food, and irish-cream-flavored smoke.  This is an account of that evening.

(I apologize for the blurry pictures.  Night photography just happens to be a skill that I haven't yet mastered.  However, I feel it gives them a special quality.)






















Wednesday, June 10, 2009

FIRST FIRST first things FIRST

After you write or say a word a lot of times, it starts to seem foreign. and spelled wrong.

but here it is: the BLOG for THE COMMUNITY HOUSE of Beverly.

Any of you locals (...Gordon) who are reading this will know of this phenomenon: thus been referenced to as "the community house" in passing conversation. I stopped having to ask: "you know Mat Schetne?" and almost everyone knew what I was referencing part-way through: "the commun--" "oh, mat schetne?"

and good thoughts of Nate Tiller and Nick Hanlon as well, who I also mention in these conversations. You three had a wonderful idea that is coming to fruition.

So, here it is. This little thing will be supplementary to our words of mouth, but I hope to reach a broader audience eventually with this.
I have no immediate purpose in mind for this blog other than updates of what is happening in the house and surrounding neighborhood on Ropes Street in Beverly MA, and networking with other communities in the nation.
We are all new to this kind of living, but I think I speak for all of us when I say we are avidly hopeful for this new type of lifestyle. It is the molding of 'self' into a situation of 'other'. It is a fascinating concept, one not really heard of in the states much- though the more I have been exploring this lifestyle, I have discovered it to be a movement from my generation. I rather like it extremely much.

Our initial purpose for this living situation is for these reasons (other may add more of their own understanding- or if I missed some)
1) Challenge our individualistic mentality engrained by this society.
2) Encourage each other in our interests and talents and passions.
3) Foster sincere authenticity in relationship and living.

those are some basic ideas on a larger scale. I have my own reasons for desiring this, but I can get into that at another time, as others will as well.


Now that the pleasantries are taken care of...
I can only say that: at this point, if I was to recall all the beautiful, hilarious, wonderful wonderful WONDERFUL things that have taken place in the past week (yes, only a week and one day now! seems much longer? bizarre feeling of time in the house), it would take way to long.

Not that I wouldn't want to relive and recount all of the past week, I just don't have the time or the finger-typing strength. And, maybe you don't care to know after all.

But here's to good cheer: I am excited to reveal my hope (very hopeful) that there be new posts in this blog once a week (that's the plan Stan. and don't be coy, Roy) with points of view of all members of this community. To let you in on what's in our head: personal and collective challenges, joys, questions, answers. If you have questions as to WHY we are doing this, etc. etc.

I am utterly PSYCHED to see what we look like in a little bit. Check back, yo.
