The house is alive again, slowly creeping out of the dank thing of the prolonged winter.
A good portion of people have moved out of the house recently, and new faces have joined on; ruffling up our feathers. We're kind of molting into summer.
The backyard is looking better right now than it probably ever has- we have new alien pods for compost which is awesome. and new plots of tomato plants. Hopefully we have a nice warm and sunny summer for them this year.
Honestly though, it's hard to take some of this shifting- as much as I am excited for all of it. I love meeting new people and I love new leaves. and I love the cleaning and Tim playing guitar on the porch, and our Domincan bowl (refer to picture below), people in the backyard, windows open.
Here's some pictures that I took the other day.
Annery's yoga. and dominican bowl.
Good Things on Mondays
My friend Catherine had an idea this morning: use Mondays as a day to
remember and look forward to Good Things. As one of the many who has a
normal workday...